Sunday, February 1, 2009

FuN iN fLoRdIa!!

We left early Saturday morning and drove to Florida.
We're thankful we had a safe trip!
We didn't hit any traffic so we made really good time.
We must have brought the cold weather with us.
Florida was having a cold front (60 degrees)
so Breeze made a fire. :-)
It's so nice to see the Kennedys again!
Wind & Breeze were very creative with the towels. :-)We had a party tonight after church.
Makin' Sydney Sinful Sundaes
Wind & Breeze surprised us with tickets to Disney World!
We are planning on going tomorrow even though it's suppose to rain.
Pray it doesn't rain! We'll have a great time either way. :-)

We designed our ponchos...
Beauty & Beast :-)
Simba, Achu & Pooh Bear :-)


Al Burtt Family said...

How fun!!! I hope ya'll have a great time at Disney World! And enjoy the warm weather for us! :-) Love you guys, Anna

Anonymous said...

Hi Girls!
Glad that you made it there safely and that all is well! We love seeing the pictures!!! What Fun!
Love you and miss you Dad & Mom & Kids! (: Will Pray about the rain and Disney today!!

Anonymous said...

60 degrees in Florida? Everyone must be getting out their coats!

Mom and Dad will be down at PCC for Rick's senior recital next week, but alas a alack, it seems my fate to never set foot on the dear warm land. :o)

Oh, BTW, Lizzy and I are looking forward to hearing Pastor Hirth at the Holiness Conference in WI in a few weeks. It is our first time going, and we just realized a few days ago that he was your pastor.

Anyway, have fun in the "sunshine state"!