Saturday, September 1, 2007


Since we haven't posted in awhile, we've missed a few birthdays....

Suzy turned "Sweet 16!"

John turned 14!

Rebekah turned 21!

Jeremy turned 12!


Anonymous said...

SO GLAD for the update! Keep blogging - you have loyal readers!

Jacquelyn said...

Happy Bday everyone!!!
Love the pics! :)

Abby said...

Happy Birthday!
Keep the pictures coming.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you all! =)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday guys!! :o)

Abigail Joshua said...

Love the pix;-) You can't even tell which one is Susie ya shoulda made her stand in front with ballons in her hair;-) (I mean for people who don't know who she is;-) Anyways, I can't believe how old everyone is gettin;-( But it is fun!!! C ya'll tomorrow!
luv ya

Anonymous said...

Well here it is! Not real computer savey but I found it. Very nice. Nice to see all the photos. Nice to see all the joy!
I am not real fast on the cell phone thing! Good to hear from all of you. I see I am in good company with all the birthdays. of course with the Burtts there is always a birthday. Any more birthdays Mrs.B? Mrs.K very happy to talk. Need much prayer. I hear John Jr. is in business!! One thing grass it has to be cut. Sarah Mhhh, be careful! better be special! All the best,