Monday, October 26, 2009

30th Anniversary

We celebrated our church's 30th anniversary this past Sunday. The first service was in 1979 at our house with just a few people. Sunday was a special time to remember all that the Lord has done over the years. We are thankful for what He has done and is continuing to do.


Al Burtt Family said...

Great pics! Wow - John Van Gelderen and Preacher got to eat - that never happens! They are always busy talking! Great job gals! :-)

Abigail Joshua said...

Fun pictures! That was such a fun fellowship and I was so happy my new buddies came too! Can you e-mail me the copy of some of those? And the one of Shana and I? Thanks! <3 ya

joanna said...

Abz, I already burned you a cd... remind me and i'll bring it tomorrow.

pcmag said...

Brandon is adorable! And that picture of Mar-tiny with all of us is hilarious...

Sarah Magnuson said...

I wish you could have caught a picture of me dominating Tab in speed vacuuming. haha. I really like the picture of me and Julia also. (: It is kind of weird that it is so off center though....