Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fun In Tennessee

We have been having a blast here in Tennessee. 
Can't believe the week is almost over. : (  Rebekah 
gave her testimony to several teens in chapel 
yesterday morning. She did such a nice job. 

Abby was just chatting away with Joanna 
not knowing what was about to happen...
Hey - it was a hot day and she deserved it! : )
Everything is more fun when working with a friend. : )

Joanna was just walking along in her own little world
when the girls went zooming by in the golf cart.
She freaked out and tried to run out of the way. Not 
fast enough though!  She got splashed by the puddle.
This picture doesn't do it justice.  It was hilarious!
Caylie loves to come over to Deborah's house. 
She is quite spoiled!  She got to eat jelly beans while
watching cartoons and having her toes painted.

We've had fun getting to know some of the staff kids.
They are adorable!  Seth was so excited when 
Abby offered him one of her cherries. 
Rebekah and another counselor, Emily
Nathan & Abby


McNeilly Family said...

Hey!!! Looks like ya'll are having fun down there!! :) Hope you enjoy your last day! Jo, would you mind telling Emily I said hello please? That would be much appreciated :) Enjoy TN!! :) Love ya guys!

Jacquelyn said...

Love all the pics and stories! haha Y'all are hilarious! I'm sure Nathan is delighted to have made it on your blog. lol Love y'all! Jack